Many businesses are making training their staff a part of their regular development plans. Today, your employees don’t just show up to work, do their jobs, and then leave. As employees, they expect to progress professionally with the support of their employer, and they want to be challenged and develop.
A business’s productivity, and ultimately its success, depends a lot on the happiness and retention of its employees. By increasing your capacity for staff development and professional training, you will improve your company’s chances of success and growth.
Employee training has many benefits. Some of them are:
A trained employee will be more productive because they will be able to produce better quality work. By supporting each employee’s development, productivity would rise significantly.
In addition to adding value to their work experience, training makes them better at their jobs and increases their potential for promotion and increased responsibility. Promoting an internal employee can have many advantages over hiring an external candidate, since they already know the business and are familiar with its values and standards.
Investing in employees inspires appreciation, rewards, and gives them a sense of belonging to the company. Consequently, the employee will be motivated to do well and will be more confident to take on challenges. Creating loyalty to the business encourages the newly acquired skills and knowledge to be applied internally.
Employees will be more motivated and satisfied with their jobs when they are well trained and know what they are doing. The increase in morale will lead to a more enjoyable work environment.
As a result of fewer employees on sick leave because of stress, absenteeism will be reduced, which will increase productivity.
There will be higher job satisfaction and fewer job changes among employees. A great advantage is that the employee doesn’t have to find a new job. In turn, this results in far better retention and will drastically reduce recruitment costs. Generally, businesses have large recruitment departments because employee turnover is high. Resources could be better spent by focusing on supporting current employees. In addition to boosting productivity, it also reduces training times (since experienced employees stay within the organisation).
Increasing employee training will better prepare them to adapt to the changes and growth of the business. A well-equipped business will be able to succeed in the future, giving it an edge over competitors.
When determining training needs, it is important to take care to ensure both the employee and the organisation benefit from the investment. Performing a training needs analysis (TNA) is the best way to determine what training is necessary.
An easy way to do this is to analyse the 3 levels of operations:
1. OrganisationalÂ
Consider the business’s overall training needs. Review the business’s goals and strategy to determine your training requirements. It is also important to analyse future skill needs as technology, product requirements, and political and economic circumstances are constantly changing.
2. Team
This level considers individual training requirements within an organisation. To be successful at this level, you must analyse the skills within a team as well as their overall objectives to ensure their alignment with the organisation’s. By doing so, you will determine which areas require further training.
3. Individual
Every employee must be analysed for their training requirements at this level. Employee goals need to be aligned with organisational goals. Having one-on-one reviews during this time will help you determine their goals and their abilities.
By analysing skills from every angle, you can identify skill gaps and understand which areas employees should work on to become more aligned with the organisation’s growth strategy. In this way, time and money will be saved on less relevant training courses that will benefit employees less and see a lower return on investment.
Training your employees has so many tangible benefits that it would be counterproductive for your business to not implement training plans. Identifying skills gaps as well as what training methods are right for each individual, will help you put together training plans that will lead to a successful investment for your organisation.
Whether you’re new to a managerial or team leader position or you would like to demonstrate the skills you have gained over the years, Manager Training has you covered.
Manager Training is an authorised training centre for the CMI (Chartered Management Institute). Founded in 1947, the CMI is the only organisation offering management and leadership qualifications that can offer Chartered status. We offer a wide range of qualifications and diplomas that can be tailored for team leader, junior manager, middle manager, senior manager and executive levels.
In addition, we offer a range of accredited Project Management, Change Management, Business Analysis and Business Improvement study packages. All our study packages are offered with unrivalled mentoring, tutor support and recruitment services.Â
All our courses can be completed online, meaning no matter whether you’re working from home or the office, you can get qualified at a pace that suits you.
Plus, with 0% finance available, you can get started on your dream qualification straight away.
Contact us today and see which qualification is right for your needs.
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