The Six Thinking Hats teach an effective problem solving approach focused on collaboration to help business adapt, grow and thrive.
The Six Thinking Hats teach an effective problem solving approach focused on collaboration to help business adapt, grow and thrive.
What CEO personality traits might be unintentionally harming the growth of an organisation? Understand in this blog post looking at the latest research.
Business email compromise is a growing cybersecurity threat to businesses. Learn how you and your organisation can protect yourself against it in this article.
Learn leadership and manangement lessons that matter by understanding Richard Bransons unconventional leadership style.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was a British politician, army officer, and writer who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. Some regard him as one of the outstanding wartime leaders of the 20th century; his leadership in challenging times continues to inspire leaders today.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a transformational civil rights activist and remarkable leader who inspired people through his powerful speeches focused on the fight for equality in a racially divided United States of America. His approach to peaceful protest serves as an enduring example for others to follow today.
The Defining Characteristics of High-Performing Teams Having engaged and energised employees that work as part of a high-performing team creates incredible value for businesses. High performing teams execute more quickly, make better decisions, solve more complex problems, and do more to enhance creativity and build skills than an individual can. This results in an effective […]
Whether you’re looking for your first job as a Business Analyst, want to grow in your career, or have chosen to shift trajectory and make a career change, being able to highlight your qualifications and skills will help you stand out in your interview. In this article, we will take a look at some of […]
Business Analysts play an important role in helping businesses become the best they can be. Organisations that want to stay ahead in an age of political uncertainty, pandemics, fierce competition, and ever-expanding technology look to Business Analysts for guidance. BAs (Business Analysts) can be found in a wide range of industries and organisations, ranging from […]
People usually interchange leadership with management and manager with leader in their conversations. However, these are two distinct concepts, especially when we consider the roles and behaviours expected of leaders and managers. If an organisation wishes to benefit from both processes, it is vital to understand the differences between leading and managing. Leadership and management […]
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